The B!G Idea
The B!G Idea
The B!G Idea
The B!G Idea
Avril Caulfield
Avril Caulfield

I mentored on
The B!G Idea!

This year, I had the opportunity to be one of 354 mentors who had the privilege of supporting 15-19 year old students across Ireland. We were a part of their journey in learning the most sought-after skills in the world, equipping them to tackle the biggest challenges they are facing.


The B!G Idea
The B!G Idea
student images


Students mentored

student images
student images
student images
student images

The B!G Idea
delivered programmes in



The schools I
mentored were in







Challenges tackled

The B!G Idea
The B!G Idea

Our 2023 students said…

“Mentor feedback helped to fill in the blank parts that we would have not known”

“It’s a different way of thinking completely.”

“The mentor support no matter how big or small, it’s always good.”

“Well seeing all the industries is an eye opener.”

“Creativity is problem solving and overcoming obstacles and you do that in every job.”

Our 2023 teachers said…

“Mentor feedback gave them a greater strength in their conviction”

“It’s giving them a new direction”

“Students love getting involved with an actual professional”

“Students love seeing real life professionals”

“I think it’s really relevant in their lives in terms of working with other”

“To have other experts coming in, giving them ideas is what makes it really great. ”

“The mentors are very, very good with helpful feedback and constructive criticism”


Students Impacted


Minutes Mentored


of Ideas Sparked

The B!G Idea
The B!G Idea
The B!G Idea
The B!G Idea

Thank you so much Avril for being a B!G Mentor in 2023, you helped 100% of students learn the most in demand skills in the world!

  • Avril Caulfield
  • 2 years of B!G mentoring like a pro!

Share your impact with the world on social media!

The B!G Idea
The B!G Idea
The B!G Idea
Avril Caulfield

B!G Mentor 2024

We'd love to have
you back Avril!