My Resources

30 Second Student Video - Brief

Mentor Mashup Videos for Showcase - Congrats to Students!

Final Projects - Mentor Guidelines

Step-by-step guidelines

Idea Check-in Mentor Guidelines

Some advice, tips and things to think about to make sure both you and your student teams get the best out of the Idea Check-in.

Idea check-in Kick-off session

If you couldn't make it to our session last week check out this recording where we talk all things Idea check-in with our mentors and some great guest speakers (a returning teacher and mentor!).

B!G Mentors LinkedIn group

A space to keep in touch, discuss issues of shared interest, invite feedback and advice, and hear updates from The B!G Idea.

The B!G Exhibition

Click here to see the exhibition live and check out all of last year's amazing projects - a super useful resource to support your 2024 student teams!

2024 Student Challenge Briefs

The challenges students have chosen to tackle are Climate Change, Diversity & Inclusion, Cost of Living, Mental Health and AI for Humanity.

The B!G Showcase 2023

Buckle up for The B!G Idea Showcase 2023!

UN SDGs Website

The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.

Mentoring Kick- off Session (online)

An optional session to update you on student progress and what to expect for the Student Idea Check-In Phase/ Mentoring Window. In 1 hour you'll hear from us, a returning B!G Idea teacher and B!G idea mentor and ask any burning questions!

Meet Your Team Guidelines

This interaction from mentors is key for encouraging students to participate actively in the Idea Check-in phase and to develop their B!G ideas.

B!G Idea Glossary

A helpful way to familiarise yourself with language of The B!G Idea!

2024 B!G Mentor Overview

Grab a cuppa and in just 25 mins we'll to get you up to speed on all things B!G Mentoring!

Mentor FAQs

Hopefully we've got your questions answered here...

Judging Kick-off Session

If you couldn't make it to our session last week check out this recording where we talk about everything that is involved in the Judging phase.
