The B!G Idea Dashboard > Team > App Design

Our Idea

Why did your team choose to focus on this challenge?

We decided as a class to choose mental health as a main focus. We decided to choose mental health as we figured that mental health is an underlying problem in this generation.

What have you learned about the challenge that you didn't know before?

We learned that mental health doesn't only affect the brain but every other aspect of your life.

Outline the specific problem you would like to solve for your Hero and two or three solutions you think would help.

We based our hero profile on Emily. This app can help Emily by: Providing Emily with meditation videos which will help her with her anxiety and help her to calm down. This will also help with her shortness of breath. The app also provides her with a list of different mental health organization websites which can give tips on how to cope and place to get help. There will be daily motivational quotes on the homescreen of the app which can give her a boost of confidence or just brighten her mood. The water tracker reminds her to drink water throughout the day

Ask your Mentor anything.

We want to find a basic code language and we want to learn how to use it to develop our app. We want to learn how to make databases because we want somewhere to store our daily quotes.

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