The B!G Idea Dashboard > Team > Collection Taskforce

Our Idea

Why did your team choose to focus on this challenge?

We were learning about SDG Number 1- No Poverty in Global Citizenship Education. We were organising an awareness campaign for No Poverty Day - 17th October. We decided to choose Challenge 3: Hidden poverty to work on in our Big Idea class. In Sept 2023 there were 12,827 homeless people in Ireland. We did not know this before starting this challenge so it took us by surprise. Some people in our community do not realise that this may be happening to people they know and how people in hidden poverty are struggling

What have you learned about the challenge that you didn't know before?

We never really thought about what it was like for teenagers like us to live in poverty. We now know that sometimes there are a lot of people out there who are living in poverty and are embarrassed to ask for help. We are learning that there are students living in poverty in our own school. We realised that people we know could be affected without us knowing. We now know that children are more than likely than any other age group to experience derivation or consistent poverty.

Outline the specific problem you would like to solve for your Hero and two or three solutions you think would help.

We wanted to learn more about the people who find themselves living in poverty and to create awareness in our school. We have learnt that our two Heroes, Mary and Conor, represent many people in society. They are like the many parents that face the issue of poverty on a day to day basis. Our Heroes show that anyone around us could be facing this struggle and hardship. We know that it can be a sensitive topic and our Heroes have made us realise that it can be hard to reach out because of this.

Ask your Mentor anything.

We have had to put ourselves in Mary & Conor's shoes to fully understand what they may be experiencing. We would like to reduce anxiety and fear about finding the cost of school books and uniforms to return to school. We want to give them a sense of hope too. They are not the only ones in this boat. Many others share their experiences.