The B!G Idea Dashboard > Team > Connection Through Community

Our Idea

Why did your team choose to focus on this challenge?

our team decided to focus on this challenge because the majority of the group decided collectively that this was the topic they were most passionate about and some team members have been affected personally

What have you learned about the challenge that you didn't know before?

We are working with a diverse group of different nationalities, and both facilitators and team members found it interesting to hear and discover the different opinions about the subject matter of mental Health

Outline the specific problem you would like to solve for your Hero and two or three solutions you think would help.

Isolation, Not feeling part of the community App Buddy system Knowing to look for help [p

Ask your Mentor anything.

We would like to change our name as originally we were going with a different challenge Is this possible? We are a little concerned that the idea is not original and looking for some suggestions that would make our solution more unique

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