The B!G Idea Dashboard > Team > Performance Comp

Our Idea

Why did your team choose to focus on this challenge?

We chose to focus on this challenge because it is the most relevant issue out of the selection. We already know an amount about this topic because of learning about it in geography and other subjects in school. Addressing the problem directly is very important to all parts of society because if the increases in heat keep happening it creates the problem of plants dying and starvation across the globe.

What have you learned about the challenge that you didn't know before?

We chose to focus on this challenge because it is the most relevant issue out of the selection. We already know an amount about this topic because of learning about it in geography and other subjects in school. Addressing the problem directly is very important to all parts of society because if the increases in heat keep happening it creates the problem of plants dying and starvation across the globe.

Outline the specific problem you would like to solve for your Hero and two or three solutions you think would help.

To help reduce or help with the issue of the rising water levels that are affecting coastal areas.

Ask your Mentor anything.

Some areas on where we could start looking for some ideas how to solve the problem

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