The B!G Idea Dashboard > Team > Silent Struggles

Our Idea

Why did your team choose to focus on this challenge?

We chose to focus on this challenge as we found that young people suffering from mental health problems in Castleisland do not have anywhere to go or anyone to relate to. We came up with the idea of having weekly gatherings for teenagers aged 12 to 18. At these events we would organize sport and workshops such as basketball tournaments, soccer tournaments, cooking workshop, knitting workshop etc. We would like young people struggling with their mental health to feel safe to come forward and feel welcome and safe to get help and talk to someone they can relate to.

What have you learned about the challenge that you didn't know before?

We learned that people struggling with mental health may not be able to communicate with strangers as well as others due to anxiety and other factors, we would like to make it as welcoming as possible to them and make their experience enjoyable so that they will look forward to these events. If they enjoy these events and are able to relate to people there then maybe they will be able to cope with their mental health issues better. Our hero told us that they would love these gatherings and thinks others would too

Outline the specific problem you would like to solve for your Hero and two or three solutions you think would help.

We feel there is an opportunity for farmers and society to work together to make a more sustainable future for everyone. We that the cost to local farmers to run there farms is very expensive and that if grants and schemes were made available for introducing windmill or solar panels on to farm houses or slated units then more energy would be made available on the grid and the farmers could develop their own energy and cut costs. It should make farms more sustainable and hopefully help the environment. Given the restrictions put on farms in recent years this may help them keep their lively hoods alive.

Ask your Mentor anything.

Which area do you think we should focus on, solar panels or windmills? And would you have any idea where to find material to help plan out a scheme for something like this and what organisations to talk to? If we were to try further this idea who would be the best people to talk to for more information.

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