The B!G Idea Dashboard > Team > SJRAY

Our Idea

Why did your team choose to focus on this challenge?

Our team chose to focus on this challenge because mental health has become a big issue in the past few years. We chose to do it on men's mental health because we feel as though a lot of men do not want to talk or be open about how they feel so they don't come across as weak.

What have you learned about the challenge that you didn't know before?

We learned how high the statistics were for mental health in different age groups and genders. We got this information from different mental health websites and asking people we know.

Outline the specific problem you would like to solve for your Hero and two or three solutions you think would help.

Our hero doesn't have a stable or high paying job, so he constantly has to worry about if he is going to lose his job or not be able to have enough money to support his family. The solution to our problem is that he could try and use his degree in accounting to try and get a better job out of it and a maybe more stable/high-paying job. If we could improve one thing for our hero, it would be that he could be more open and honest about how he feels. We would want him to be able to speak about his feelings without feeling weak. We think he could be more open and honest about how he feels. We would want him to be able to speak about his feelings without feeling weak. We think it would be good if he tried to get a job out of his accounting degree. This would take a lot of stress out of his life if he could have a more stable job.

Ask your Mentor anything.

Are we taking a good approach to tackling our hero's challenge?

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