The B!G Idea Dashboard > Team > Team C

Our Idea

Why did your team choose to focus on this challenge?

We choose to focus on food/ grocery budgeting and how people can afford to have good quality food on a budget. The reason we have chosen this subject is because food is vital and everyone should be able to eat the food they want at low price. This will be an issue that is of to be concern to us as we venture into the adult world, eg. college/ university

What have you learned about the challenge that you didn't know before?

We learned that the weekly average grocery spend in Ireland for an individual has increased by 13% from €91.38 in 2022 to €105.85 in 2023, coming to an increased spend of €752 over the entire year according to Hello Fresh. Furthermore, 41.84% of those surveyed said that they have had to cut back on higher quality ingredients, and that is what we want to change.

Outline the specific problem you would like to solve for your Hero and two or three solutions you think would help.

We want to stop people substituting bad or poor quality food because of the increasing price. Poor quality food has a knock on effect on people health, thus costing the government more in the long run. Everyone should be able to eat food without to much sugar or artificial flavor and colorant, at an affordable price. To provide that, we want to create a application that permit to find food at the lowest price in function of what you want (fresh organic food from Ireland, etc...). We also want this app to enable people to review prices in local supermarkets, price compare so that they can avail of the best produce and manage their budget accordingly.

Ask your Mentor anything.

Do you think this is a good subject to explore/investigate and if so how can we improve on /expand on are app and more solutions for people who are struggling with money .do you believe this is relevant to people in2024

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